Loan Options to Finance Your Adoption

adoption loans

Lifesong for Orphans
Offers interest-free loans. Visit their website at for more information.

National Adoption Foundation
You do not need be working with a certain adoption agency or be of a specific religious sect. To access their loan application, you must make an online donation:

Home Equity Loan/Line
If you own a home and you’ve got equity in it, you can look into one of the many equity credit options available to you. Taking advantage of your home’s equity to build your family is just one of the many ways you can realize your dream of adopting.

Credit Cards
Using the credit you have available on your credit cards is another option for funding your adoption. If you have a good payment history and a good credit score, you could contact your credit card company about any options they may have available, like lower interest rates.

Unsecured Line of Credit
Many credit lenders extend Unsecured Lines of Credit. This type of loan is typically based on your creditworthiness and requires exceptional credit in order to qualify.

401 K
Many 401k’s have a loan provision in them where you can borrow a certain percentage of your vested account balance. Check your Summary Plan Description or ask the 401k designated Plan Administrator if the plan allows for loans and how much you could borrow. The nice thing about this is you pay yourself back with a reasonable rate of interest, rather than paying it to a credit card company or bank.

Called to Adoption Download

called to adoption download
When you're thinking of adopting a child, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. This book is full of great stories, examples from adoptive parents, helpful resources, tips for any adoptive parent, and encouragement to carry you along your journey to adoption.